Miguel Baeza Aguilera
Major: History and English as a Second Language Education
Hometown: Grand Island, NE
Involvement: President of Multicultural Greek Council, Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc., Thompson Scholars Learning Community, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society, Hispanic Student Association, Nebraska Cultural Unity Conference Planning Committee

Siera Becker
Major: Exercise Science - Pre-Occupational Therapy
Minor: Health Science
Hometown: Hartington, NE
Involvement: St. Jude Up Till' Dawn Executive Board (Co- Executive Director), Volunteers Around the World (Executive Board - Fundraising Director), Study Abroad, Gold Torch Society, Loper Leader, Newman Center, Muscular Dystrophy Camp Counselor
Kristen Benner
Major: Communication Disorders
Hometown: Central City
Involvement: Alpha Omicron Pi (Currently serve as Vice President of Education), Panhellenic Council (Currently serve as Vice President of Scholarship), Order of Omega, Gold Torch Society, KSSLHA (Kearney Student Speech Language Hearing Association), Phi Eta Sigma

Veronica Bunach
Major: Elementary Education and Early Childhood Inclusive,
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Involvement: Honors Program, Kappa Delta Pi Honors Society, Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, and Order of Omega.
Gregory Christen
Major: Industrial Technology
Minor: Business Administration
Hometown: Anselmo, NE
Involvement: President of Phi Delta Theta, Order of Omega, Honors Program, Newman Center Ministry Council, Chancellor's Ambassadors, Chief of Staff for Student Government

Rachel Feddersen
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics and Spanish
Hometown: Kearney, NE
Involvement: Alpha Omicron Pi, Blue Gold Brigade, Christian Student Fellowship, Phi Eta Sigma, and Association of Computer Machinery.

Rachel Flaugh
Major: Chemistry Comprehensive, Health Science Emphasis (Pre-Med)
Minor: Political Science
Hometown: Hartington, NE
Involvement: Student Government (Former Speaker of the Senate, Curent Student Body President/Student Regent), Undergraduate Chemistry Research, HelpCare Free Clinic Volunteer, Chancellor's Ambassador, Student Diplomat, National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), Residence Hall President (Men's Hall).

Major: Psychology
Minor: Sports Management
Involvement: Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Thompson Scholar Learning Community, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Psi Chi Honor Society, Study Abroad, Psychology Club Officer, Gold Torch Society, St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn, Mortar Board Officer
Nathan Harms
Major: Biology w/ Health Science Emphasis/ Pre-Medicine
Minor: none
Hometown: Crete, NE
Involvement: INBRE Research Assistant, Health Science Club, Kearney Health Opportunities Program, Phi Eta Sigma, Honors Program, Honors Program Mentor, HSAB.

Megan Humlicek
Major: Social Work
Minor: Psychology
Hometown: Columbus, Nebraska
Involvement: Phi Eta Sigma (elected Senior Advisor), Student Social Work Organization, Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society, UNK Students for Life (elected Chair of Recruitment), Undergraduate Research Fellows, Summer Student Research Program, Gold Torch Society, Catholic Newman Center, Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society, Loper Leaders
Nathan Hunzeker
Major: Information Technology with an emphasis in Systems Administration
Minor: Information Networking & Telecommunications minor and a Music minor
Hometown: Minden, Nebraska
Involvement: President of Phi Gamma Delta, and the Music Minor Representative for the UNK Music and Performing Arts Student Advisory Committee. Also, I'm a part of the Campus Lutheran Youth Group and Loper Programming and Activities Council (LPAC)

Major: Biology with an emphasis in Wildlife
Hometown: Hastings, NE
Involvement: Biology Club, Undergraduate Research, Phi Eta Sigma, Resident Assistant
Major: Business Administration & Economics
Minor: Health Care Management
Hometown: Haymarket, VA
Involvement: Honor's Program, ΑΦ Director of Formal Recruitment, Student Diplomat, New Student Enrollment Team Leader, Chancellor's Ambassador, Student Body Vice President

Megan Kreutzer
Major: Elementary and Middle level education
Endorsements in Math and English
Hometown: Holdrege, NE
Involvement: Resident Assistant, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Swing Dance club
Bailey Lehmkuhler
Major: Exercise Science, Pre-PT
Minor: Health Sciences
Hometown: North Platte, NE
Involvement: UNK Cheerleading, Alpha Phi Sorority, Honors Program, Volunteers Around the World Organization, Chancellor's Ambassador, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society

Mitch Long
Major: Business Administration with a management emphasis from Hometown: Hastings, NE
Involvement: Sigma Phi Epsilon - philanthropy chair, Chancellor Ambassador, Student Diplomat, a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society,

Sydney J. Miller
Major: Psychobiology, Pre-Physical Therapy
Hometown: Arlington, NE
Involvement: Mortar Board Director of Communication, Order of Omega Honor Society, Psi Chi Honor Society, Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society, Alpha Phi Sorority (Social Media Chairman), Honors Program, Friends Program Mentor, Biology and Health Science Club, volunteer for my local church.

Elizabeth Morris
Major: Psychobiology (Pre-Medicine)
Minor: Healthcare Management
Hometown: Aurora, NE
Involvement: Alpha Phi Sorority President, Chancellor's Ambassador, Alpha Epsilon Delta - Health Professionals Honors Society, Friends Program, Honors Program, KHOP Scholar, Phi Eta Sigma, & Health Science Club.
Marissa Nutter
Nolan Pribnow
Major: Music Education, Piano Performance
Hometown: Lincoln, NE
Involvement: Director of Music and Liturgy at the Newman Center. Serve as a music minister at the parishes of St. James and Prince of Peace in Kearney. I am a member of UNK's collegiate chapters of the National Association for Music Education and Music Teachers National Association. I maintain a private studio of piano and voice students. I am also involved at the Community Theatre this summer serving as music director for Rogers and Hammerstein's South Pacific.

Amanda Slater
Major: Language Arts 7-12 Education
Hometown: Clay Center, NE
Involvement: Chancellor's Student Ambassadors, Honors Program, Honors Student Activities Board (HSAB), Newman Center Ministry Council, Undergraduate Research Fellows, and Gold Torch Society.

Major: English
Minor: Women's and Gender Studies
Hometown: Omaha
Involvement: Honors Program, Organization of Research and Creative Activity, Honors Mentor, Office of Multicultural Affairs Scholar, Undergraduate Research Fellows, Summer Student Research Program, Queer-Straight Alliance, Wind Ensemble, and Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society
Ben Wagner
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Hometown: Columbus, NE
Involvement: Newman Center, Student Government, UNK College Republicans, Knights of Columbus, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
Trevor Wiegert
Major: Social Science 7-12 Education
Hometown: Fremont, NE
Involvement: Cross-country, Track, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Honor's Program, Chancellor's Ambassadors, Volunteer at Northeast Elementary
Dr. Matthew Bice
Mortar Board Advisor
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